Good 2019 prelim to do

After their school prelim exams, students should do 2017 and 2018 alevel. Then attempt the following 2019 prelim to prepare for alevel.

Good papers to do post prelim

  1. JPJC
  2. YIJC
  3. TMJC
  4. MI
  5. CJC
  6. EJC
  7. RI
  8. TJC P1

Good questions to do post prelim

  1. HCI P1: 4,9,10,11,12
  2. HCI P2: 1, 2,3,5,7,8,10
  3. ACJC P1: 3,6,7,8,12
  4. ACJC P2: 3
  5. ASRJC P1: 6,7,9
  6. DHS P1: 5a, 10c,11,12
  7. DHS P2: 7, 10
  8. NJC P2: 3
  9. NYJC P1: 12
  10. NYJC P2: 2,3,4,5,6,7,9
  11. SAJC P1: 1,2,9ii,10
  12. SAJC P2: 1,3,4,8
  13. VJC P1: 9
  14. VJC P2: 8,10

Students can get the papers from their school.

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